Urge President Trump and Congress to Prevent Cuts to SNAP and Protect Nutrition Security Programs!

With a new presidential administration and a new Congress, it's critical we raise our voices to protect those who rely on food assistance. Please take a stand alongside the Food Bank and our partners, and urge the Trump administration and your Members of Congress to prevent cuts to SNAP and strengthen and protect food security programs in the Farm Bill.

Your elected leaders need to know what's at stake for our more than 5 million Californian neighbors who rely on federal nutrition funding to put meals on the table. With the cuts currently being proposed, Californians would lose $3.59 billion in SNAP benefits, reducing the already inadequate benefits for many older adults, people with disabilities, and families with children. We must strengthen, not cut, critical food benefits for households facing hunger.

Together, we can make our voices heard and urge our elected leaders to prevent cuts to SNAP and strengthen and protect critical nutrition security programs on which so many of our neighbors rely. Please send a message to Congress today.